
This is a mobile game where players, Aided by President Jokowi, Battle Monsters in a City. The goal is to achieve the highst checkpoint score by Eliminating Monsters using Various Weapons Purchased with In-Game Currency. Strategic Upgrades Enhance Gameplay, Affecting Power Regeneration, Coin Acquisition, and Recovery Speed ​​After Mistakes.

Hayo Jokowi Help Eradicate the Monsters - The Monsters that Roam The City.

Hayo helps Jokowi eradicating monsters that roam the city.

But remember, don't hit the police.

Achieve the highest check point and buy various weapons that can help to get rid of the monsters.

Don't forget to upgrade:

1. Strength: time for full power faster

2. Luck: The number of coins received is more

3. Recovery: If it's wrong, it's faster to get up again

The spirit of New Generation 2014.

The game Emphasizes Avoiding Attacks on Police Officers and Encourages Players to Upgrade their character's strength, luck, and recovery capabilities for enhanced performance. It's a fun, action-games with a unique theme and simple, engaging gameplay. Play Now and Help Jokowi Save the City!

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